Photo by Maria Orlova

Creative Neighbourhood Lab FAQ

Ron Jaicarran
2 min readAug 9, 2024


Find below our frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, contact us at

Q. Can I submit a project that takes longer than 3–4 months?

A. At this time, you cannot. This is because the community partners are making a 3–4 month commitment. Our suggestion is to split the project and submit both to the platform. Feel free to contact us and we’ll work through this with you.

Q. Will Imagine Cities assist with transportation to get students working remotely to our location?

A. We wish we could, but we don’t have the funding to support this request. We are a nonprofit organization and need to use our funding as efficiently and effectively as possible. We suggest indicating on the platform that your project is local and not remote. If we don’t have a school on our platform that is local to you, let us know and we’ll try to bring them onto the platform.

Q. Can I recommend schools and courses to add to the platform?

A. Yes! Send us an email to providing details of the post-secondary and course(s). If you have a contact at the post-secondary, that would be even better!

Feel free to forward them our Community Partner User Guide.



Ron Jaicarran

I am devoted to making cities better. Better for the people in them. Better for the planet. Right now, and in the future.